September 8-11, 2015
The Lakeview Hotel
Beijing, China

The IEEE Outreach Workshop on Multicore/Many-core SoC Design & Development is specially organized by SOCC to advance multicore/many-core SoC research and training and promote research activities of young professionals, Ph.D. and Master’s students.

The workshop is open to all conference attendees and a dedicated SOCC student grant is offered to encourage non-author students’ participation and enrichment activities.

The program of SOC Outreach Workshop is attached below, which features keynote speeches and invited lectures from renowned industry experts and academic researchers, panel discussion and outreach activities.


SOC Outreach Workshop Program

Sept. 8
8:40am-5:00pm Lecture series (tutorial day)
Sept. 9
1:30pm-3:35pm Keynote Speeches
Chair: Danella Zhao, Univ. of Louisiana at Lafayette
  Keynote 1: "Hardware/Software System-on-Chip Solutions for Heterogenous Safety-Critical Multi-Core Technologies"
Jürgen Becker, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
  Keynote 2: "Smart Wireless Sensors Networks"
Magdy Bayoumi, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, USA
  Keynote 3: “Challenges of LSI Test Technology toward Dependability through Life Cycle”,
Michiko Inoue, Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan
3:35pm-3:50pm Tea Break
3:50pm-4:50pm Panel "Technology, Leadership, Women: Challenges & Opportunities”
Chair: Ann Gordon-Rose, Univ. of Florida
Michiko Inoue, NAIST
Yi-Jung Chen, National Chi Nan Univ.
Summer Xinhong Yin, Broadcom Beijing
Junna Zhong, Mentor Graphics Shanghai
4:50pm-6:00pm Workshop Poster Session & Reception
Sept. 11
1:30pm Tech tour of Spreadtrum Communications, Inc.

Organizational Sponsors

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